Secret Garden Tips That Save Fortune & Time Reve-led
8. Apply Vaseline To Gardening Equipment
Supplies required: Vaseline Cost of Production: $2–$5 per jar* The variety of uses for petroleum jelly, sometimes known as Vaseline, in the garden and for health purposes is astounding. For instance, after using your gardening tools, apply Vaseline on their edges and blades. To shield the blades from rust and deterioration, the Vaseline will create a gel layer.
9. At Home, Grow An Infinite Supply of Garlic
Supplies needed: Pot, soil, and cloves of garlic Making It Cost: $5* Around the world, garlic is a widely used condiment, and it's a fairly simple plant to grow. You can actually cultivate it in a way that will provide you with an infinite supply of garlic, meaning that your meat and veggies will never be without seasoning.